Wednesday, December 4, 2013

We just sold our very first vehicle with Bitcoin as payment!

Bitcoin, a fully encrypted and fully digital currency, has been used by a recent client of ours to pay for a Tesla Model S Performance we had in our inventory.  That's right, an electronic currency was used to purchase a fully electric vehicle.
In case you're wondering what Bitcoin is, Bitcoin is an open source person-to-person electronic tender that uses cryptography to secure transactions.  Many failsafes are in place to prevent double-spending and are impossible to duplicate.  Bitcoins have been around years but it wasn't until a year or two ago that they came into the public's eye.

Exchanges are the intermediary house that turns cash into Bitcoins and vice versa.  They serve as a market maker that buys and sells Bitcoins to keep the flow constant.  Like the stock market, prices for Bitcoins fluctuate just as you would see on a currency exchange stock chart.  Below is the chart via Mt. Gox, a popular Bitcoin exchange house.

Lamborghini Newport Beach is proud to announce that we are fully capable of accepting Bitcoin as payment for vehicles.  We are excited to be opening the door to this new currency.


  1. That's great! Are you using a payment provider, or skipping the middle man and accepting bitcoins directly? Not judging, just curious.

  2. I suspect you will be meeting some Bitcoin millionaires soon!

  3. This is epic. As soon as bitcoins are worth 100k a piece, I'm buying a Tesla from you guys!

  4. Welcome to the future of payments with bitcoin! :)

  5. This is a great idea!

  6. Have you successfully converted those bitcoins back to USD? If so how did you account for the hourly volatility when negotiating the price?

    1. There are several services that hedge against volatility and immediately convert your Bitcoins to USD. It's a great stepping-stone for business owners that need to work solely in USD, but would like to take payment in Bitcoin.

      (I'm an Integration Partner with one of those services, so please feel free to send me a message if you're looking to get setup:

    2. Are you kidding? There's so much fluff overhead in new car sales, they could easily go +/-10% and still make money.

  7. I see your shimmy-shammy, and raise you one Bitcoin Sammy-Hambone!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. NICE!!! It's nice to see a car dealership get screwed, for once, on a deal.

    1. How so? They can cash the Bitcoins out immediately or hold on to them.

    2. you have no idea what you are talking about. Go research about bitcoin before you display your ignorance to the world.

    3. Guys, I think he's talking about the dealership buying into this whole "internet" BS. It's just a fad! I to am glad that the dealership got screwed by buying into this information superhighway nonsense.

    4. Just because your too stupid to understand Bitcoin doesn't make it a "fad" or a bad investment. I'm sorry your too retarded to get in on this early, but saying shit like this just makes you look even more retarded.

      Bitcoin is here to stay and no one got ripped off here. I can guarantee that they just cashed out the Bitcoins for USD the second the transaction was over. Now, explain how they got screwed?

    5. "I can guarantee that they just cashed out the Bitcoins for USD the second the transaction was over."

      Why would they do that if it weren't a "fad" or a bad investment?

    6. Because it would cause all sorts of funny legal and tax burdens. Also I don't think anyone will argue that Bitcoins are not in a bubble right now regardless of their long term viability.

    7. "Yeah man, this is the wave of the future. It's the new economy, man. The old rules don't matter. Get on the bus or get left behind. Everything will just keep going up. It can never go down!"

      -Quote from man on the street loading up on Internet shares in December 1999
      -Quote from a man on the street, June 2006, flipping houses

      The memory of the average joe is roughly two years........but please, when you get your heads handed to you this time, do me a favor, bail yourself out.

    8. 2013--- same man is flipping burgers....

    9. to the guy who said the dealership got screwed, please do explain your rationale? They stated that they used bitpay, so they were not paid in bitcoin, they were paid in cash. The buyer sent the bitcoin to the bitpay exchange, who then sent the cash to the dealer. That's how it works. That's how it always works. The only time you can send someone actual bitcoins is is you are transferring to their wallet. Merchants don't use wallets, they use bitpay. And as far as the price fluctuation, you have the process backwards. The current values are updated on the bitpay exchange and the conversion is done instantly, the merchant just plugs the price in using USD and the exchange calculates how many bitcoins you have to pay. Perhaps in the future you should do some research, or refrain from commenting on things of which you know not...

  10. Fantastic. I live nearby - I will be in soon.

  11. has anybody said buttcoin yet?

  12. 1HwbEsHm5EiSoioEPckAtuyVgHvuwV5zk2 me too

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Excellent. I will most likely purchase a Model S within the next month from you. Just need to make the trek down to Newport.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Fake sob stories are a slap in the face to people who are actually suffering. Stop begging and earn your own way.

    2. What makes you so sure the sob story is "fake"? Does that make it easier for you to turn your back?
      Just curious

    3. people reading articles on tesla bought with bitcoin aren't truly struggling (or if they are, its their fault in part).

  17. we need this in europe! US always one step ahead..

  18. Dude, update that graph! It's december and bitcoins are now above $1,000 each....the days of $250 are gone.

  19. This is so epic! Way to go moving forward!

  20. Nice work! If more companies accept Bitcoin and increase market penetration then I will soon come in to buy a Lambo!
    Well done guys!!!

  21. Well done. You guys rock... Now for a dealership here in Vancouver, BC to follow your lead!

  22. Learn the definition of "Legal Tender" please.
    (Bitcoin isn't Legal Tender and is proud of that. Legal Tender law means that you are forced to accept it and may not refuse, not that you are permitted to accept it. Legal Tender law is a reduction of choice, not a good thing at all. It is only needed when the currency is bad.)

  23. Awesome, do you do leases for BTC?

  24. Congratulations on your decision to accept Bitcoin as a payment method. Wishing you all the success it brings.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    2. Epic. Make that 3.59 bitcoins as of 12/5 at 2pm pacific.

  26. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme created by crooks and used by criminals. I'm guessing this story is just to get press for Lambo NB but if you want to appeal to exotic cars buyers, it really doesn't make you guys look intelligent or on the up-and-up to be involved in this scam.

    1. 1. Research Ponzi scheme
      2. Research Bitcoin
      3. Return here to post, "I'm sorry I'm a dipshit."
      4. Get Bitcoin, welcome to the future.

    2. Have you any idea of how and why does bitcoin change the way we use currency?. Just calling bitcoin a Ponzi because you don't undestand it it's not very intelligent...

    3. Bitcoin is not a ponzi scheme, it is another type of scheme. Bitcoin is only worth what someone is willing to pay, it is not backed by anything. Hard currency is backed by the faith of a government, and items such as gold have been used as a currency for many moons. Bitcoin is nothing, just some guy in a garage creating a video game where users pay for coins by mining. Why aren't my monopoly dollars worth money? Good luck to the people with these coins when this scheme collapses...and good luck when the IRS comes knocking on your door looking for their share of tax revenue.

    4. Scheme? Let me ask you, what is in your 401k right now? Your IRA? Do you buy CDs, or Bonds? Annuities? How about a savings account or a car loan? Hard currency is not based on "faith" in the government, it is based on that government's abilities to pay its outstanding debts such as bonds and loans which carry interest rates. EVERY investment is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it, including hard currency and gold.

  27. lol at the ponzi scheme comments. Dinasaurs!

    1. Are talking about the Dinasaurs that are already extinct, OR the one's who might become extinct as a result of too much gullibility? I honestly don't know. I'm going to wait and SEE!

      Were can a person buy a bit-coin and how much does it cost, currently?

    2. Dinosaurs old enough to remember Yes sir son, I've seen this movie before. It does not end well.

  28. Вы крутые!

  29. Glad to see more support for Bitcoin! Now how about poor me? Would love a Bitcoin or two so my wallet isn't empty! 1EV5GJZiqucY3mowZn5vENgTu6mmDf34qd

  30. Wow, the pro-Bitcoin people are a real bunch of assholes.

    1. Agreed, why arent they as miserable as we are?

  31. This is great news! I just got into Litecoin mining recently and regret I didn't do it sooner... If you need a good Litecoin mining pool, head over here:

  32. Le Reddit Army Wuz Here!

    Hurr Durr Maximillian J Butterworth Narwhal BaCoN SiGnInG OuT!

  33. Awesome guys! Want to see this in europe as well! Don't want to cash out some crappy euros..

  34. fantastic. how about some btc for my daughter's christmas gifts? 1GWeLEjCUevGLWQMQNWnEvmsdGXJwGoLHp

    i make about $80K a year, won't lie - but i'm buried in debt.

  35. Danny Fowler. Security guy.

  36. But the real question is why this dealership is selling Tesla's? I had thought you could only purchase via Tesla. If not, does this negate the fabulous warranty that Tesla offers?

  37. Could someone please donate some bitcoin to me 19zW5XEYCawQjrm6VBh58bx47A9zzq2dhC ...I just want a reliable car that i can drive! Bigups to Lamborghini for Accepting Bitcoin though...We're Making Some Waves with this New Currency! Got Bitcoin?

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. i would love a house if some one can spare a bit

  40. я обязательно куплю у вас автомобиль за биткоин в вашем салоне ) когда перееду в америку ) psykl andrew best regard

  41. In other news, cyber begging is on the rise.
    You can easily verify this yourself by sending BTC to 18eTEtnGbZuqZ2jYAQ6w8yaBZJrG2eayDg

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. Just curious, but would you need to pay taxes on that sale, assuming you kept the bitcoins and did not convert back to USD?

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Question: How do you value the recent sale with the volatility of BTC's moving hundreds of dollars per day?

  47. Lolz I hope you cashed those bitcoins in... They're down 30% today.

  48. I just need a Lambo mirror and/or front isignia!


  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. My Lambo fund is helped by donations to my Lambo address


  51. How that's bitcoin purchase working out for you? Let's see, it happened on Dec 4th when the price was 1150 a bitcoin. Right now it is 720 and dropping. So, let's say it was a 2013 Performance Sedan for around $100K, then it would have been 86 bitcoins the dealership would be sitting on right now. And those 86 bitcoins would now be worth $62K.

    But wait.. you can't convert all those into dollars because the "exchanges" have limits on how many you can convert in week/month, etc. (if they do convert them for you at all). Then you pay the exchange fee and then you wait, well.. you can read the forums about the people who waited months for their money.

    This move made you guys look like real geniuses :)

    If you haven't figured it out, Bitcoin is not a "currency". It is a Ponzi scheme. And that is why the "value" can half in a day. They have no value.

    Nice PR :)

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Webmaster/admin, I would consider using the Facebook commenting plugin, or a similar plugin for your website. This just looks like crap and is messy and full or trolls. Other than that, great article about accepting bitcoin. Glad to see this change!

  55. really a good idea! the people must to start to use cryptocurrency!

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. What ever happen to the art of reason and critical thought? People, please don't fall into the trap of over exuberance that has plagued the markets and Wall-Street. Sociologist are having a field day these past few years. Techies and Silicon Valley folk are becoming the other side of the coin to Wall-Street. Mirrored behaviour yet they seem to be blind to it. Have people bared witness to how many tech founders are releasing public apologies these days for missteps in the same vain as Wall-Streeters? The ones they swear they are different from? Yeah we drive the same cars, live in mansions and condos that are pushing the poorer class out of neighborhoods, wear the same Armani suits, and pop bottles at strip clubs but we're different...REALLY!

    Well the true point of my post aside from that rant is to not get caught in hype. I AM NOT SAYING THAT BITCOIN IS W/O VALUE OR W/O A SOLID FUTURE. What I am saying however, is that before you squeal in excitement because of this blog post, it would behoove you to question the complete contract terms under which this dealer accepted bitcoins as payment. We HAVE NO IDEA what the terms were including what possible collateral that may have to be given up or who the buyer was. Not to mention we are accepting at face value that he actually did accept bitcoins in any form (after all, he/she could just be lying) but will offer good faith in that respect. Still, don't let a thin blog post push you into more speculation. That my friend, is EXACTLY what feeds a bubble.


  59. Just great!!
    I offer my 1.3 BTC for one of those great cars ;)

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  61. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  64. To be clear the buyer had Bitcoin, the dealership used bitpay to convert the btc immediately to dollars. So to be clear the buyer had bitcoins the dealership simply used Bitcoin the payment network to facilitate the sale. Bitcoin has two parts one is the protocol - the payment network the other is the currency. The buyer used both the currency and the payment network the dealership used only the payment network. As such the dealership bore no risk related to bitcoins volatility. The owner of the bitcoins carries that risk alone

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  70. "Let's see, it happened on Dec 4th when the price was 1150 a bitcoin. Right now it is 720 and dropping"

    Now its under $400. If you're holding (never published) bitcoins, you managed to sell a Tesla for 1/3 the price. And it is actually less than that because good luck getting actual $$$ for them at all.

    I noticed you posted you sold another one for bitcoins but this time you posted you used a clearing house to convert the bitcoins to dollars.

    Good luck getting the dollars! You should read the various forums about all the issues everyone is having trying to get actual money for their hash numbers.

    The bitcoin ecosystem has had a little problem with money laundering and banks aren't too happy to get involved in that kind of business.

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  79. So lets say a dealer accepts Bitcoin as payment for a car - Does this include all sales taxes? then what do you have to pay to get the expensive car registered? Then you get a nice property tax bill accepting only USD. Now think, in some states its 3% of sale on purchase price or 6% on value. Beware a 200K car will cost you a ton on tax down the road.

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